Monday, May 25, 2009

What is truth and what is fantasy? Atheism/Darwinian Evolution vs Christiantiy Part 1

Hello Everyone.

I wanted to touch on many things. Things that I have been told by Atheists/Darwinist. Now many of you will wonder what is a Darwinist and what does that have to do with Atheism? Now, A Darwinist is someone who believes in Darwin. Darwin being the father of modern Evolution. What I call Darwinian Evolution. Now, if you still don't understand that's OK. I will touch on these things in more detail later. On the many things I wanted to touch on.

1. Morals: What are they and where did they come from?
2. Creation: What is created, what is it's purpose and what is it's cause?
3. Who created God?
4. The redefining of words by Atheistic Evolutionists.
5. The truth of words.
6. Logic
7. Science and Pseudo Science.
8. The difference between Evolution and Darwinian Evolution.
9. The Dangers of Darwinism and Atheism.
10.The truth of the word of God, interpretations and science in the bible.
11.History: Evidence of the bible, History of Darwin, History of Atheism and the church.
12.Free Will
13.The answer, the truth.

Now, I know that's a lot for me to touch on and even a lot for you to read. But I will tackle them one at a time. Now, mind you I do get mentally exhausted after I write these because of the amount of information that I give. The constant researching and reading will do one in, but I will give the effort none the less. Why? Because I enjoy information, learning, science and I also feel it needs to be said. Let's take them one step at a time shall we? Some will not be as long as others but still some good information. Let's get started.

1. Morals: What are they and where did they come from?

What are morals? Where do they come from? Let's look at the definition of morality.
moral quality or character. a doctrine or system of morals. moral instruction; a moral lesson, precept, discourse, or utterance. The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct. A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct. A rule or lesson in moral conduct.

Now, what we will find here within the definition of the word "morality" we find the word "lesson" it's only mentioned twice. But notice that it also mentions "doctrine" or "system" "instruction" Now, morality is learned, it is taught. Morals, are instructed, they are taught in lessons, doctrines are learned, systems are learned. Morals are handed down by that who gives laws or what is known as the moral code. The simple explanation that an Atheist or Darwinist would give would be "Morality is in our genes." Well if that were the case what about murderers? Should we blame them for committing murders? an act of immorality because they simply do not contain the "moral gene"?? Morals are handed down by our parents, the laws we have today that we follow have originated by biblical law. Thou shalt not murder or steal. God hands down what is moral. If you asked an Atheist where morals come from, their answer would be..and I quote from an Atheist who I debated recently,"Some people got together and came up with what was right and wrong." Problem here, The Muslims believe that one must eradicate their neighbor for not accepting their faith. The bible teaches to love your enemies. Now, are the Muslims wrong or are they right? Do they not know about their ancestors who formed the moral law? And what about these ancestors, how did they determine what was right or wrong? Where did they get their sense of it? Was it in their genes? Because if it is in the genes, empty all the prisons now and don't blame those thieves or murderers or child abusers for committing immoral crimes, for it is not their fault for lacking the "moral gene". Do you see how absurd their argument is? There is no reason behind it, no logic whats so ever.
 So, what is it that an Atheist finds moral? Well, promiscuity is not a moral issue. They feel that they are able to sleep around and that is moral since there is no sin involved in being promiscuous. Now, don't get me wrong, I personally feel that if you marry someone and love them and are willing to spend your life with them, then it's totally fine to do what you will, it's your business. Now, the reason I bring this topic of promiscuity up, is because, I have spoken to many Atheist/Darwinist who proudly talk about sleeping around. But promiscuity is a form of prostitution, which in some states if not all, is illegal. It was wrong back in biblical times and was considered immoral. Now, as a result of promiscuity, one runs the chance of HIV or AIDS. That is the consequence of the life style,or prostitution. This consequence plays into something else I will touch on later called free will. Morality for an atheist is not based on biblical principals, but based on their willful ignorance for Darwinian Evolution. There is no God, so they will not be judged by God. In the end it's not about the "facts" that they say exist withing Darwinian Evolution, but it supports their belief that there is no God. Since there is no God, an Atheist/Darwinist can pretty much follow their own moral code. That is the basis for their belief or lack of. Not the evidence, because evidence points to a creator, and they can and will and repeatedly have denied that evidence, why? Because of fear, fear of a God, and his judgment. Atheist frequently have told me that God is to blame for the bad choices people make. They shift the blame to someone else for their immorality. That means they don't take responsibility for their actions, or don't want to. I was told recently by an Atheist/Darwinist.."Why not blame God for the bad things man does, or what I do? If a man pulls the trigger on a gun and kills someone would you blame the gun or the person who pulled the trigger? No, you would blame the person pulling the trigger." Now, there are so many things wrong with this analogy. 1. If there is no God why do they blame God for mans immorality? 2. The analogy in comparing a gun and it's user to an individual and their creator. Let's look at this analogy, shall we? A gun is not self aware, it is an unconscious entity, it doesn't think for itself, and it does not make choices. If you pulled the trigger on a gun, the gun can't say..No,I'm not firing, because it's wrong to kill., it is up to the individual to make the choice to pull the trigger, the gun is a tool. Now, compare that to and individual and their creator. We are unlike the gun, for we are conscious and self aware, we have thought and reason (well some of us do.) we have choices. We are not an inanimate object. There for where the gun has no decision, we do. So the analogy is not only a bad analogy, but a very dumb one. In the end, we as Christians follow the morality that Christ spoke of, love your enemies. I have not seen an ounce of love or respect from an Atheist/Evolutionist. I will give you some examples. As we as Christians are told to be tolerant, Atheist are not. I will quote you what Atheists/Darwinist say about people who believe in God and creation.

(Leading evolutionist Stephen J. Gould calls creationists, "kooky," "yahoos" and "latter-day antediluvians" and he characterizes scientific creationism as "the nonsense term of the century.")

He recently declared, "Creationist-bashing is a noble and necessary pursuit these days." Steve seems to hate creationists because he obviously hates our God.

Isaac Asimov showed his hatred and bigotry when he wrote that creationists "...are stupid, lying people who are not to be trusted in any way."

Richard Dawkins calls us feeble-minded, pathetic and intellectual cavemen in his book, The Blind Watchmaker. He also wrote: "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)." Then in a November 1983 article, published in the Times Literary Supplement, Dawkins calls us a "gang of ignorant crackpots." See what I mean when I say that many evolutionists are as mean as a junk-yard dog?Like Gould, Asimov, Dawkins, et al., H. L. Mencken was a writer with bile problems and a hatred toward creationists.

Atheist/Darwinist hate creationists and anyone who believes that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. They are as uncomfortable as a dog in hot ashes when we talk of personal accountability to a sovereign God. They are bigots and haters with a few exceptions. Please remember that they are the ones who believe incredibly silly things without any scientific data to support their philosophy and religion. They are often arrogant, asinine and audacious.

Dr. Alfred Rehwinkel summed it up very well: "Meanwhile, their [atheist/Darwinist] unproven theories will continue to be accepted by the learned and the illiterate alike as absolute truth, and will be defended with a fanatic intolerance that has a parallel only in the bigotry of the darkest Middle Ages. If one does not accept evolution as an infallible dogma, implicitly and without question, one is regarded as an unenlightened ignoramus or is merely ignored as an obscurantist or a naive, uncritical fundamentalist."

Since there is no God, hatred is a welcomed feeling for some Darwinist. The problem we have here is everything hate leads to. Hatred is openly encouraged and embraced by Atheist/Darwinist. I can not help but think of the classic movies of Star Wars. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”, now even tho that is a fictional movie, it's statements ring true. We'll come back to this part of this later, because this statement or truth, because there are two parts of this truth I would like to touch on. One being hate and the other fear. But hate ties into morals, we teach our children not to hate because of the immoral consequences that derives from it. Since there are immoral consequences of hate, and most Atheist/Darwinist embrace it therefor they embrace the immorality or "sin" that comes with it.

If we teach our children Darwinian Evolution then we are teaching our children that "sin" or immorality has no consequence. That is a fact, for since God is love, then No God is the absence of love. That is true, as the evidence not only suggests but confirms this belief. Atheist/Darwinist do not believe in God, ultimate love, therefor they have no love for their enemies or neighbors. I will concede that some are good people, but not all. They have chosen to live immoral lives. I am not perfect, I make bad choices and I do sin or act out immorally, but I am forgiven of my past sins or immorality through Christ. I am redeemed by the Redeemer. An Atheist is not.

Those are my thoughts on the subject of Morality between an Atheist/Darwinist and Christianity. The next question I will touch upon is, Who created God? My goal is not to convert anyone, but to spread a truth against a hateful disease that has morally crippled this country and is the foundation of corruption. It is a corruption that is embraced by the new Atheist/Darwinist. There is corruption everywhere, in the church and in our govt. But I'm not writing this to oppose any theistic religion or church. I write this as a true believer in God, in the laws of Christ, as one who believes in unconditional love, who is not part of any denomination but part of the body of Christ. A child of God. There are wrong things that are happening in this world, and I am against any evil that uses a false doctrine, religion, science to do evil unto others. Some Atheist would attempt to point out the evils within the bible, but that is historical fact. The bible is filled with truths and filled with lies. Why lies? Because when the bible quotes Satan, it quotes the lies he tells, for Satan is the father of lies. It speaks about the misinformation that people believe, but only those who understand the true nature of God, understand the word of God. On my next post we will continue with..Who created God?

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