Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Redefining of words by Atheistic Evolutionists.

Okay so were back again with my series on Creation vs Darwinian Evolution and Christianity vs Atheism. I hope you find my previous posts on these subjects very helpful and insightful. All tho not all Atheists/Darwinist will agree with me and they will be vocal about it. They will merely spit out aimless words and make accusations that are easily refuted or personal attacks. That is expected. Corner a dog and he comes out biting, that kind of idea. Well anyway, in this topic I wanted to discus "words" yes.."words". Words as we all know are powerful things. The bible says that power is in the tongue, words. The bible also says that the God created the heavens and stars, the earth and the universe with words. Words can bring people down or lift them up. You don't need brains or intelligence to say a word, but you do need intelligence to accurately define a word. The reason I feel this is a very important topic is because how words are used by Atheists/Darwinist. It is apparent that our education system is lacking here in the United States, our schools are still a hot bed, of violence and drug usage. It is a hot bed of intolerance. For example they call it tolerance when a homosexuality is permissible but when a student does not agree with homosexuality then that is considered intolerance. Yet, is it not intolerance to critisize the views of the one who believes that homosexuality is wrong? Yes. Because then one is not tolerant of that persons belief (Homosexuals are not a race of people)so it is not racist it is a choice. The point here is not homosexuality and my views on it, the point is the use of the word tolerant and intolerance. Words are used for peoples own personal purposes, and half of those are lies.

The redefining of words for the benefit of a lie.

As my debates went on I was mostly disturbed with the words used by Atheists/Darwinist, to subvert the truth and the words they used or what is known as obfuscation. As I have quoted before in my firsts posts and will go back to again. I have shown how Atheists/Darwinist redefine words for their own purpose. One must remember when debating an Atheist that it's not about truth with them. All tho they may claim that it is, the truth is..that it is not. It is about their own personal belief and the lengths they will go to, to validate those beliefs. Even if it's under the guise of science.

Let's look at the absurdity of Atheists/Darwinist. If you were to look up the word Evolutionist (Darwinian Evolutionist)in the dictionary you will find a definition.

a person who believes in or supports a theory of evolution

Now, what we do know is that the word "Evolutionist" is in fact a valid word. Atheists/Darwinist don't like that word and it is evident in the way they mock people for using that word. Here is an example of a Evolutionist replying to answers about the word on

I'm a Vaccinationist who accepts the theory of flu shots.

Melting Media

Now, notice he doesn't really attempt to defend his stance he just mocks it. All tho the logic behind it is failed..he says "Vacccinationist" as an absurdity to show how illogical a Creationist is by using the word "Evolutionist" when I have just proven that the word Evolutionist is in fact a word with a definition, given by the dictionary. Yet, he tries to associate Evolutionist with the absurd word of Vaccinationist. When in fact while one has a definition and recognized as a true word, the other is not. See the lie? Let's look at another one.

No. It's amazing what ridiculous things creationists will think up.

Q (This is the persons screen name.)

Notice she used the word "Creationists" when in fact that is a true word. Yet, they believe that Evolutionists is not? See once again. As she so strongly accused.."It's amazing what ridiculous things creationists will think up." Ridiculous indeed. We don't redefine words for our sole purpose or to validate a lie.

I'll come back to more of these quotes later and you will see the hatred involved in some of these comments. It is a belittlement of those who believe in Creation. A hatred spewed by the Atheists/Darwinist messiah* Richard Dawkins.(*If I spelled messiah with a capitol "M" then that would refer to Christ. I used a lower case to describe a expected deliverer or a zealous leader of some cause or project.)

The illogical words of an illogical mind

I come to a previous example I gave before. Let's go back and take another look at them. In my debates, I had explained that the Universe consists of matter and energy and the response from the young lady I debated was .."The Universe does not consists of these things it contains them." Now, as I showed in my previous posts that the word consists and contains means the same thing. So in essence she told me that the Universe did not consists of matter and energy but it in fact consisted of them.

Here's another example of a friendly debate I had with an Atheists/Darwinist.
I had asked him..

Me:"So the big bang created the universe?"

Atheists:"The big bang theory does not explain the CREATION of the universe, just the DEVELOPMENT of the Universe with time."

Wait a second, doesn't development and creation mean the same thing?
Let's find out shall we?

cre⋅a⋅tion: production, development, formation.

Main Entry: creation
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: DEVELOPMENT of entity

An entity is something that exists, living or none. Now, what he basically told me that "The big bang did not create the Universe but created it over time." Now, tell me something. Is that very logical at all? No, it is not. Atheists/Darwinist always fail to see where their logic repeatedly fails them. Why? Because they believe themselves to be the smartest people on the face of the earth. And that YOU the reader who believes in a creator, is not. Here is the evidence for that.

"Creationism is a conspiracy theory. A very absurd one. We should start treating it as such."
"Wise Duck" (That's his screen name wise duck absurd isn't it?)

"I've said it before, and I guess I'll say it again: CREATIONISTS ARE CRAZY!"
No Gods, No Masters (This person doesn't believe in free will,yet he exercises it by choosing freely to believe there is no God.) Remember.."The universe doesn't consists of these things it contains them." or "The big bang did not create the universe it developed it." Excuse me but, who are the crazy ones?

"Creationist are the kind of people who pick and choose what if fact and what is fiction."
Hugh H. Wait, we pick and choose what is fact and fiction? "The Universe doesn't consists of these things it contains them." Oh yes, we do indeed.(Sarcasm)

I would like to pick on this one for a minute because he flat out lies. He also states.
"On a side note, I am getting really tired of creationists claiming Einstein believed in creationism or that he was a Christian... stop spreading this lie, do some research and realize Einstein was no more a Christian than this Atheist!"

Einstein was a deist. That means he did believe in a creator but not a personal God.

"In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views."

"I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God."


So, for the sake of validating his belief that there is no God, and further attempting to validate it by ridiculing Creationists or those who believe in God, he also attempts to use Einstein to validate this belief. Remember, it's not about truth. It's about personal beliefs.

He adds at the very end this comment.
"Free your mind from man made gods!"

I agree, for the God I serve is not man made. The bible even warns us to "Stay away from Idols made of men." Why? Because those are man made gods. Now, he's under the misconception that God is man made, a created God. Because he thinks inside the box, and not outside. He thinks within his own world, what he can see...but not outside of it..for what he can't see. Since, he can't see it, he can't comprehend it nor understand it. That is the limit to his knowledge.

Now, you may wonder what this all has to do with words, well, everything I have written about has to do with words. They believed Einstein to be Atheists, and said it was a lie that he was a creationist, they used words to favor their position.

Atheists also like to say that were "Anti-science" Why? Because they believe science to be progress. Science is knowledge. When not all science is. What their doing is using the word "anti" to say that were against knowledge. That is not true at all, and they know it. But remember, they must validate to themselves that there is no God, so they use words like that to make them feel superior. Here's that same young lady "Q"

"I guess they figure it's easier for them to make stuff up than for them to try to understand complex ideas."

So, here's she saying what? That Creationists are indeed simple minded people. We don't understand complexity. Wait a second, Atheists, don't understand the spiritual world, nor comprehend outside of time and space. They can not comprehend that complexity comes from a complex mind, creation takes a creator. Yet, we don't understand in complex ideas? Not, a very logical statement is it? No.

"This conspiracy of elitists is rampant!"

They call us elitist, yet they fail to know their own history. I will discuss that in my "Dangers of Darwin" post later.

Remember when I mentioned to you the EVOLUTIONIST word? They believe there is no such word. Here's another example.

"I'm a gravity-ist myself."
"Phoenix under the pear tree"

Again as we see here, this one tries to associate the factual word Evolutionist with the absurdity of his word "Gravity-ist" Remember, evolutionist is an actual word, "Gravity-ist" is not.

Here's one that will get you, read it carefully.

"You know, if we weren't restricted by the limits of language, we could accomplish so much more."

"Warrior poo flinger" (Interesting name huh. And yet they claim to be more intelligent?)
Notice here he is saying that we should not limit their language so that they can accomplish more? Wait a second, were not limiting the language, were questioning the validity of the words they use. We want' factual truth, not words used for their own purpose and redefined for their own beliefs. So in other words what he's saying is, they don't want us to stop them from redefining words, because then they can't accomplish their agenda.

One last thing, 80% of the people who left these comments were under the age of 25. Their teaching your kids this in school. And their eating it up, like blind sheep.

Theory vs Scientific Theory..

Finally, I want to touch on the word that they so love to redefine, theory.
The dictionary gives many definitions of the word, so lets look at these.

a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena.(Now, the word propositions is used here. Propositions means A plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal.) So they are suggestions, not facts.
Here's another definition of the word theory.
a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. Remember, a PROPOSED explanation whose status is what? CONJECTURAL, meaning, speculative, theoretical, doubtful. So, no facts still, just assumptions. Right? Let's keep going.
More of the definitions of the word theory.
contemplation or speculation.guess or conjecture.

So, a theory is a GUESS. Now, to validate their belief they use the term "Scientific theory" Let's look at the definition of scientific theory.

Scientific Theory:
Oh oh, there is no definition in the dictionary for the word "scientific theory" Oh oh. Someones got problems here.
The only place you're going to find the definition to the term "Scientific Theory" are on the web pages of Darwinist/Atheists.

But since Atheist/Darwinist love to claim that their are scientific, lets look at the scientific method.

scientific method
a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested.

So, basically, It is simply a description of the process of learning that involves observation, hypothesis, testing, and revising.

"When we learn something new about our environment, we first observe or sense something through our senses. We then propose a hypothesis in our mind that explains this observation. A hypothesis makes certain assumptions or predictions about the future. If these predictions hold true, the hypothesis is strengthened in its usefulness as a predictive tool, but it can never be absolutely confirmed since we remain subjective creatures (subject to our senses and to indirect interpretations of what they are telling us).
The strength of the scientific method is found not so much in its ability to detect truth, but in its ability to detect error. It has the ability to rule out those hypothesis and theories that are definitely wrong. For instance, someone might observe a man scratching his nose and then rolling a pair of dice - which end up on double six’s. One might then hypothesize that this man’s nose scratching caused him to roll double six’s. The prediction could then be made that this will always hold true in the future. If the man roles double six's again after scratching his nose, the hypothesis is strengthened, but not absolutely confirmed. This could have been a coincidence after all. However, if this prediction holds one hundred times in a row, one might become more confident, but never absolutely certain. All one can do is point to the past predictive usefulness of this hypothesis. But, if this man happens to roll a two and a five after scratching his nose, the initial hypothesis has clearly failed and either needs to be revised or even replaced by a different hypothesis.
It is commonly stated that religion should be left to theologians while science should be left to scientists. This argument assumes that some important truths are beyond scientific investigation and are thus matters of "faith." What many do not seem to realize is that all human knowledge is a matter of faith. All human theories are statements of faith - even when it comes to the "purer" sciences of physics and mathematics. Human theories may be backed up by a greater or lesser degree of evidence, but, like all human attempts to search out truth, no one and no theory has ever achieved absolute perfection in any aspect of human knowledge concerning the external world. Obviously then, without access to absolute knowledge, a degree of faith remains when one holds a particular position to be true - be it a "religious" or a "scientific" position."

Sean D. Pitman M.D.

Therefor Darwinian Evolution is not a fact, but rather an assumption. The word theory is not a word that represents fact, but..a word that is what it says it is, a guess. Now, I do admit that believing in Christ and God takes faith. I will never deny that, nor will I ever deny that I have faith. But for an Atheists/Darwinist to say they do not go by faith but facts, is entirely not true. They claim to be scientific, logical, and superior. They claim to have science on their side. What they claim and what they really have are two different things.


If we allow Atheists/Darwinist to stand in the way of truth, we will grow into a nation of blind bats. Not knowing what truth is. Truth is knowledge, and true knowledge comes from understanding the word and that word is God. If we seek the kingdom, we will ultimately find that who is the giver of all knowledge.

"Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!" Isaiah.

My next post will be on the truth of words, which will be very short. Since we have covered a lot of it here. I hope you enjoyed this. God bless.

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