Friday, May 29, 2009

The truth of words.

Hello all who dare to read here. :)

I'm here again continuing my series on Creation vs Darwinian Evolution/God vs Atheism. This is probably one of the shorter parts of this "series" since I've discussed much of it in my previous post, Atheists/Darwinist redefining words. In this post I wanted to discuss the truth of words. As I sit here and think, and think, and think...I come to the conclusion that words are bridges. They bridge the gaps from questions to answers. From being oblivious to being aware. They are part of the growth of knowledge. I have said that there are always two truths, a false truth and factual truth. Both can be denied..where as one can be discredited the other can not, but still, even when it can not be discredited it can still be willfully denied.

In my debates with Darwinist, I have found that they within their belief have their own definition of words. It is interesting when I point out to them in our discussion of Darwinian Evolution, I often put forth that an animal can never mutate into something other than it's kind. Now, I feel that anyone of logical mind would know what the word "kind" meant when regarding a specific animal.

Darwinist: "Furthermore, I challenge you to define "Kinds".
Also, "Other than it's kind" implies that evolution says a Dog can hatch out a cat. "

So he challenged me to define the word "Kinds" or "Kind" It's the same word. No, I do not imply that evolution says that a dog can hatch out a cat. But the Darwinian theory of Evolution suggests that over time a land animal can and by their beliefs HAS mutated through beneficial mutations to be a Whale. That is what they believe, that whales were all once land animals, yet they have no evidence for this claim. Anyway, lets get back to topic. Since he challenged me to define the word "kind" this was my response.

a class or group of individual objects, people, animals, etc., of the same nature or character, or classified together because they have traits in common; category: Our dog is the same kind as theirs.
nature or character as determining likeness or difference between things: These differ in degree rather than in kind.
a person or thing as being of a particular character or class

1. order, genus, species; race, breed; set.
Main Entry: kind
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: class, species
Synonyms: brand, breed, classification, family, genus, ilk, kin, order, race, set, sort, type, variety

Now, there are two definitions to the word "kind". One is to be generous or good. And the other is a species or class. Now, he challenged me to define the words. I think I did a pretty good job don't you think? You would have to be a fool to not know what I mean when I say "kind" in regarding a species of animals. Now, look at what he tells me here.

Darwinist: "However, you bring up the common creationist buzz word "Kind" which I've seen stretched from meaning species, to Genus, to an entire Phylum."

Now remember my definition in which I quoted from

Kind: order, genus, species

Now, he said it's a common creationist buzz word "kind" which he's seen "stretched" (he means that it's used inaccurately.) to mean species, to genus. Now, is it I who defined the word? Or was it the dictionary? It was the dictionary that defined the word. The word kind is a truth. It means a species or genus. See what I mean when I say that Atheists/Darwinist twist the truth of words. He made an attempt and failed miserably.

Darwinist almost always twist words to validate their points. They have to, they have no other evidence or facts to back up their beliefs. The truth is skewed and it's getting worse. Remember folks, words have power. Words influence, they pursued, there are words used to trigger peoples thoughts, feelings and emotions. Their memories, smells. If I said. *Oh I remember the days when my mother would make beacon and eggs in the morning. The smells woke me every morning before school. The beacon and eggs crackling. I can taste it right now. Toast with jelly, the sweetness of it. I so loved those things back in the day. I remember arriving at school in the mornings and noticing the smell from the cafeteria, and I thanked God I had an amazing mom to cook breakfast for me every morning.* Now, I KNOW that brought back memories for most of you. I know that you remembered your old home you grew up in. I know that I probably reminded you of your mother. And that amazing breakfast in the mornings, then remembered going to school, and what you used to wear. See, how powerful words are?

Truth, is something that must be sought. Truth is undeniable facts, and words are truth within themselves, their very definitions make them what they are, truth.

"In everything truth surpasses the imitation and copy."
Marcus Tulius Cicero
106-43 BC. Writer, politician and great roman orator.

That is a great quote. As where the Atheists/Darwinist would rather have their own version or definition of the words, like Theory or Consist, or develop, or kind. Our truth surpasses theirs, because we seek it, they develop it for their own personal beliefs.

"Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite."
C. S. Lewis

Remember, always mean what you say, and say what you mean. And when you speak, speak the truth. It's not always easy, but you will form many bridges and close the gaps between ignorance and understanding.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I really appreciate your willingness to read what I have to say. Please, let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you.
My next post will be on "logic" I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am. Thanks again.

God bless.

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