There are many people in this world who would say something like.."I believe in ghost but I've never seen one." and that's fine but, what about people who have never seen them and don't believe? I's it fair to think that way? After all half of the people who say thing's like that are self proclaimed Christians. They get the idea that ghost don't exist because the bible they say, says there are no ghost, or that all ghosts' are demons. Well lets take a look at what the bible says about ghost shall we? Now, I'm not a bible scholar and thats ok, 80% of the people who believe in the bible aren't eather.
But if we look in the bible in the book of Luke 24:38-40 "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have." now that's where Jesus appeared to the apostles 3 days after his death, and spoke to them. Now in that bible verse is where you see Jesus speaking of ghost, he didn't say demonic spirit or angelic spirit..see there's a difference and he knows that, he specifically said "ghost". Now I do believe that there are people who confuse demonic spirits and even angelic spirits as ghosts, but all that aside, yes there are ghosts.
Lets examine other areas in the bible where ghosts are mentioned. (Remember I am not speaking on the subject to convert your ideas just make a point, and no I am not a religious person.) Heres some more biblical mentioning of ghosts Luke 24:36-38 "They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost."
Matthew 14:25-27 "When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear." This passage in the bible speaks of when the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water towards them.
So since they spoke of ghosts there must have been reported accounts of ghosts.
People need to understand something, just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It brings to mind of the Christian philosophy of faith, probably just about as many people have had experiences with ghosts as people with God, and sometimes not always in a good way as far as both go. In the end, people who believed in God were ridiculed and now the same goes for people who believe in ghosts and often times it's the Christians doing the ridiculing of those people. Maybe people need to step back and not criticize the people....and maybe just maybe people could only understand and investigate what the fuss is about to find an answer together, cause bickering on who believes in what wont settle anything...but finding an answer to the mysteries in life, is more worth the effort we put in.
(Photo courtesy of Tina.
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