Hello everyone!
There are a lot of things that I wanted to write about. I wanted to continue some of my blog projects such as.."The Alien Project" and another piece about my continuing feud..yet involuntary one with Atheist and Evolutionist. But today I wanted to write about Faith. I think many of us many times say to ourselves.."Well just a little faith, if I believe that God will do it that's enough." Well, is it really enough to "just believe."? I wanted to go in depth with that and see what God really does say about that. I believe faith is like a puzzle, once the pieces are put in place, you see the bigger picture. Now what is faith? Well in the bible it's says "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) But that's not all that is involved in having faith. Some people may think well just have faith and that's it, and that's not true. Lets get started shall we?
The pieces of the Faith puzzle...
Lets take a look at the pieces that go into faith as a whole. First, we must identify the problem or the need. What is it that you require faith for? Is it for your finances, job, healing or even strength just to make it through the day? Everything requires faith. Believing in God requires faith. So now we have the first piece...identifying the need.
Removing the doubt...
Removing the doubt may not seem like part of the puzzle but it is. We must take all that we know and understand with our human understanding and toss that aside. Why? Because it can ruin your faith. Many people function within reason or within logic. As I have always said in an earlier piece, God functions outside of logic. So you must start to function outside the boundaries of your own logic and understanding. You must realize that God's power is not limited but you can limit God by limiting yourself. Does that make sense? See, we can do a lot for people. We can cook for them, we can do anything. But if they refuse that help then they are limiting your help for them so in reality they have limited themselves from your help. When in reality you can do more for them, than they allow you to. God can do so much more for us than we allow Him to do. And how do we limit God in our lives? With doubt. So eliminate the doubt and God becomes limitless in your life. You therefore will allow Him to work in your life.
Understanding the will of God and expanding your mind...
To have faith we must also understand faith, and in understanding what faith is we must understand the will of God. Now earlier I spoke about removing your doubt and changing your thought process. This is what the bible says about changing that thought process and the will of God. "Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." ROMANS 12:2
Now, notice it says "be transformed by the renewal of your mind." We must be transformed. Not just our external behavior, but the way we feel and think—our minds. Then we will understand the will of God. Now the will of God is that we live well, in health and prosperity. There was once a sick man who came to Jesus and said.."Lord if it is your will." And Jesus said.."I am willing be healed." So in that statement alone that is just one small example of God's will for our lives. So understanding God's will is another piece to the puzzle. He want's us to prosper..he wants us in health...that is the will of God.
The ACTIONS of Faith...
Now here is where we get to the final piece of the puzzle, a piece that is probably just as or even more important than the rest. Faith is an ACTION. That's right, faith is an action. How do we know that faith is an act? Lets check what scripture said about faith being an act, and it gives many examples. The Bible says, "Faith without work is dead..." (James 2:26) So there you have it. We show faith by acting on that faith. Here are some examples. There was once an woman who the bible describes was very very ill. Jesus was in her city and as he walked through the city, word had spread that he was there. The apostles were crowded around him as hundreds of people surrounded Jesus and were touching him. The ill woman saw Jesus and reached for him. She thought to herself.."If I could only touche the hem of his garment I will be healed." Now as the woman reached out and touched Jesus. Jesus stopped and looked around..and said.."Who touched me?" The apostles were puzzled and said."Lord, there are hundreds of people who are touching you." and Jesus replied.."Yes but I felt power leave me, someone touched me." Then the woman came forth and said.."It was I lord, I was ill and I reached out and touched you and I was healed." Jesus looked at her and said.."Go, your faith has healed you." There were many many times in the bible where Jesus told those that he healed.."Your faith has healed you." One man was crippled from birth in his hand..and Jesus told him stretch out your hand. The man stretched out his hand...and he was healed. Now think about this..this man acted on faith. If he had not stretched out his hand..and said..BUT I CAN'T. Do you think he would have been healed? Of course not because he had no faith and therefore did not act on that faith. So faith is an act. Now sometimes we don't get the results we want that quick but the bible does say.."Submit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass". (Psalms 37:5) So God does bring that answer to pass. Just show him your faith, act on it. Sometimes acting on that faith means doing something, that some would say.."Your taking a big risk" Take that risk, have faith in God. It is your act of faith..show Him your act of faith. "We must keep on keeping on, never giving up the faith, regardless of tough times, the handicap under which we labour. These trials we live through are what make us stronger and our continued faith in God and ourselves pushes us to succeed." www.mswm.org "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." (Mark 9:23)
So now you see faith is an act...and there is much more to it than just saying you believe. You must change your mentality..you must understand God's will, and you must remove all doubt from your life. Anything that would bring doubt. I hope you all enjoyed this. I try not to be preachy about it....but I hope it makes sense. There are many things in life to have faith in. Faith in yourself, in one another, in love. If you can have that kind of faith..not just in those things but in God. Then your world will change. Thanks for reading everyone. Take care and God bless ya.